Castaway Cay

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newBookmarkLockedFalling HMS Fantasy Shrine
C H E Y E N N E 159 2,225 by Lestino
Aug 22, 2019 8:40:16 GMT -7
newBookmarkLockedFalling The Castaways
C H E Y E N N E 3 427 by Cute
Aug 13, 2010 19:51:15 GMT -7
newBookmarkLockedFalling Introduction/Character Information
C H E Y E N N E 0 198 by C H E Y E N N E
Aug 12, 2010 23:04:39 GMT -7


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Castaway Cay
A small, for-the-rich cruise ship sets out from Florida for a peaceful, weeklong voyage. The people on board, either rich passengers, related to rich passengers or crewmembers, are happy to get away from the mainland for what they think will be a relaxing and invigorating journey.
However, two days into the cruise, a brutal storm hits, killing many on board. The survivors, taking to few undamaged lifeboats, wake to find themselves washed up on a large deserted island. Now, these survivors will have to battle headhunters, starvation, thirst, and the elements in a desperate fight to stay alive. But with tensions in the group running high, will they be able to keep from killing each other and find a way off the island? Or will they fall prey to the most basic human instincts and destroy one other?
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